Hassanein, P., Khalil, A., Talaat, D. (2021). EFFECTIVENESS OF MUCOSAL VIBRATION ON PAIN PERCEPTION DURING INFERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE BLOCK ADMINISTRATION IN CHILDREN (Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial). Alexandria Dental Journal, 46(Issue 1), 167-172. doi: 10.21608/adjalexu.2021.144853
Passant H. Hassanein; Amani Khalil; Dalia M. Talaat. "EFFECTIVENESS OF MUCOSAL VIBRATION ON PAIN PERCEPTION DURING INFERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE BLOCK ADMINISTRATION IN CHILDREN (Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial)". Alexandria Dental Journal, 46, Issue 1, 2021, 167-172. doi: 10.21608/adjalexu.2021.144853
Hassanein, P., Khalil, A., Talaat, D. (2021). 'EFFECTIVENESS OF MUCOSAL VIBRATION ON PAIN PERCEPTION DURING INFERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE BLOCK ADMINISTRATION IN CHILDREN (Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial)', Alexandria Dental Journal, 46(Issue 1), pp. 167-172. doi: 10.21608/adjalexu.2021.144853
Hassanein, P., Khalil, A., Talaat, D. EFFECTIVENESS OF MUCOSAL VIBRATION ON PAIN PERCEPTION DURING INFERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE BLOCK ADMINISTRATION IN CHILDREN (Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial). Alexandria Dental Journal, 2021; 46(Issue 1): 167-172. doi: 10.21608/adjalexu.2021.144853
1Demonstrator at pediatric dentistry and dental public health department, Alexandria university.
2Professor at pediatric dentistry and dental public health department, Alexandria university.
3Associate professor at pediatric dentistry and dental public health department, Alexandria university.
clinic is the major concern especially when dealing with children. It is mandatory to use local anesthesia to keep any discomfort or pain to the minimum. Unfortunately, there is discomfort associated with injection especially inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) as it is considered as one of the most painful injections. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of DentalVibe (DV) and 20% benzocaine gel on pain perception experienced by boys and girls during inferior alveolar nerve block administration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was a cross over randomized controlled clinical trial where 60 children (30 males and 30 females) aged 5-7 years were selected from the outpatient clinic of Pediatric Dentistry and Public Health Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University after securing necessary consents. Children with bilateral mandibular molars indicated for pulpotomy treatment were included in the study. They were divided into 2 groups. During the first visit, IANB was performed either with vibration using DV at the injection side or after the application of 20% benzocaine gel. After two weeks, the alternative technique was used (cross-over). In each visit, subjective pain was evaluated using the Wong-Baker Faces pain rating scale (PRS). RESULTS: Wong Baker Faces PRS showed a statistically significant difference between DV and benzocaine gel groups in favor of DV (P ≤ 0.001); where DV group scored lower mean pain value (0.80 ± 1.34) while benzocaine gel scored 2.60 ± 3.22. Regarding gender influence, no significant difference was reported in the pain scores of the two pain reduction methods. CONCLUSION: The use of the DV injection system reduced the pain associated with IANB administration in children. Regarding gender, it was found to have no influence on pain perception.
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